The objective of Microb’UP is to federate exchanges within a multidisciplinary community interested in microbiology and infectious diseases between the Université Paris Cité and the Institut Pasteur. Thanks to the structuring of this community, the institute will be able to serve as a breeding ground for the development of ambitious collaborative projects and research strategies in microbiology.

As the recent health crisis illustrates, infectious diseases remain a major public health concern today. From HIV to SARS-Cov-2, from antibiotic resistance to tuberculosis and malaria, infectious diseases continue to take a heavy toll on people across the globe, regardless of their origin, with the physically and/or economically weakest paying the greatest burden. To respond effectively to the recurrent challenges posed by infectious diseases, a significant structuring of the various facets of microbiology is necessary to allow the sharing of protocols, materials, expertise and reflections on the modes of communication with the general public. Increasing our most fundamental knowledge is necessary to better understand emergencies. The association between the Université Paris Cité and the Institut Pasteur is an exceptional framework for making progress in this direction. Because of its size and its strong involvement in medical research, this association can have the ambition to develop within it a network for structuring exchanges on research in microbiology, from its most fundamental aspects to the most clinical.
The Microb’UP institute is committed to student training and works closely with the BioSPC and MTCI doctoral schools, as well as with several graduate schools associated with the BMC master’s degree.

MICROB’UP Webinar Series; RNA-Binding Proteins: Central Players in Viral Pathogenesis and Immune Defense
MICROB'UP Webinar Series; RNA-Binding Proteins: Central Players in Viral Pathogenesis and Immune Defense The webinar was recorded and is available at : LINK

Microb’UP Annual meeting: January 8th, 2025
Click on the image to Register

MICROB’UP Webinar Series : TRiP – Therapeutic Research In Parasitology – 16 December 2024
MICROB'UP Webinar : TRiP - Therapeutic Research in Parasitology The webinar was recorded and is available at : LINK

MICROB’UP Webinar Series : Imaging Host-Pathogen Interaction – 14 October 2024
The next MICROB'UP Webinar : Imaging Host-Pathogen Interaction Will be held on 14 October 2024 by zoom : Register here