Microb’UP anniversary meeting

The anniversary meeting of Microb’UP is coming soon. You are all invided to attend this symposium , Thursday 20, October 2022, Amphithéâtre Vulpian 12 Rue de l’Ecole de Médecine 75006 Paris.
During this day, several invited speakers from the Institute will present their work.
Young researchers & students are invited to apply if they wish to give short talks (10minutes) and / or present a poster during lunch session. For obvious organisationnal reasons, the dead-line to submit is : 30, September 2022.
We are also deeply honored to announce that Pr. Jean-François Delfraissy will give a keynote to close this great day.
Don’t forget to register here => https://sondage.app.u-paris.fr/122964?lang=fr