
Microb’UP aims to federate research in microbiology and infectious diseases within the Université Paris Cité, Institut Pasteur association.

The first objective is to enable the various researchers to be more efficient and more creative in their research activities. The proliferation of techniques and disciplines and the explosion in the number of articles published make it difficult to keep up with advances in related disciplines and to be technologically up-to-date. Increased knowledge of the activities and technologies developed at the university can improve everyone’s performance.

The second objective is to structure a community in mixed microbiology between clinical university hospitals and basic researchers. In this way, the Institute will be able to promote the back and forth between basic research and clinical research, and make the most of the strong involvement in the UP’s university hospitals.

The third objective is to give international visibility to research in microbiology. The objective is to promote the scientific production that emanates from it and to enhance the value of the work that is carried out in all its forms, with the objective of enhancing the value of the personnel involved, whatever their rank or status. This display will also allow the teams to structure ambitious research in order to obtain large-scale funding, and to attract quality students and young researchers to the site.

The fourth objective is to promote relations with the non-academic sector, particularly industry. Innovative tools produced by the teams could be noticed by companies and the goal is to create links between these companies and the researchers of the Institute of Microbiology.

The fifth objective is a mentoring and career development activity for young researchers at the Institute. Established researchers will participate in meetings with the young researchers. Actors from the private sector will be invited to share their experience with the young researchers of the perimeter, to open up career opportunities outside the academic world.
